The Swarthmorean, June 16, 2023
Strath Haven students (pictured L to R) Adelyn Davis, Clara Davis and Annika Slootmaker were among the volunteers who worked the Chester Bike Rodeo on Saturday, May 6. The event included bicycling lessons, loaner bikes and a raffle in which over 40 bicycles were given out to Chester area families who qualify for free or reduced school lunch. SRA, Swarthmore Hardware, Cycle Fit, Erin and Tyler Ewell, Nick Kaplinsky, the Midgettes and Amy Strachan of Swarthmore, as well as the Molloys and the Taubs of Wallingford and local artist Brad Hosbach also contributed to the event’s success in important ways. The Rodeo was put on by Youth Development United, supported by the Circuit Trails Coalition Community Grant Program. The Circuit Trails is a vast regional network of hundreds of miles of multi-use trails across Greater Philadelphia and southern New Jersey that is growing each year. It connects communities, providing endless opportunities for recreation, relaxing and commuting. If you would like to donate bikes for the fall bike rodeo, call or text Jeannine Anckaitis at 310-505-5355 for details.