upcoming Soccer Saturdays and special events

EVERY WED: 5-6pm: Leggo, LEGO®! At the Crozer Library, 620 Engle St. in Chester. Let your imagination run wild at this free hands-on building program where creativity meets STEM! Use the LEGO® brick collection to bring your own unique ideas to life or tackle fun building challenges designed to spark innovation.

EVERY WED: 5:30-7:30pm Free crochet and stitching for all ages. at J. Lewis Crozer Public Library, 620 Engle St in Chester. More info at https://delcolibraries.libcal.com/event/12691143 Beginners welcome! 

EVERY WED: 6:30-7:30pm Free Zumba (Latin-inspired aerobics class) for all ages at Keystone First Wellness Center, 1929 W 9th St in Chester. No registration required.

EVERY SAT: 9:30-10:30am Free Yoga (stretching, breathing and meditation) and 10:30-11:30am Free Zumba (Latin-inspired aerobics class) at Keystone First Wellness Center, 1929 W 9th St in Chester. No registration required.

March 15, 12-3pm: Free Party in the Park at Eyre Park, next to Chester High School. Includes free lunch and a variety of activities including “Glide to Ride” bike loans and riding lessons with Girls In Gear, Keep Music Alive’s musical instrument “petting zoo,” a Lego party, fishing, and STEM activities with Widener University. Help us get an accurate lunch count by registering here. Tell your friends and neighbors - all are welcome to drop in.

March 22, 1-5pm: Rehab Science (physical therapy, etc) Career Discovery Day featuring games and activities for ages 5+ at Widener University’s Academic Center North (across from Stetser Elementary) with free dinner at Widener's dining hall buffet. Register Here.

March 28, 6-8pmFree bowling party, dinner and care packages at Sproul Lanes, 745 South Sproul Rd in Springfield. Free transportation available upon request.  No registration required. Children must be accompanied by a responsible adult.

April 5, 9am -12pm: Chester Upland School District's Spring Family Summit. Located at STEM, 1100 W 10th St, Chester, PA 19013

April 12: Save the date for a free Soccer Clinic at University of Pennsylvania!

April 16, 9:30 -12pm: Free Drop In nature event at Scott Arboretum of Swarthmore College. Engage in nature related activities and enjoy the Arboretum. No registration required.

April 16: Save the date for a fun and active midday event on a school holiday!

April 26, 10am-1pm: Arbor Day Celebration at Scott Arboretum of Swarthmore College. All children must be accompanied by an adult. No registration required. Learn more here.

April 26, 11am-1pm: Celebrate Trails Day festivities at Eyre Park, 232 W 9th St, next to Chester High School. Includes free lunch and family-friendly activities.

July 19, 8-11am: The Crashboys International Games will take place at 500 Edgmont Avenue in Chester. Don’t miss this year’s excitement! Here’s last year’s Delco Times article on the event.

TBD: All About Birds at at Eyre Park, 232 W 9th St in Chester. Make a birdhouse and have other fun led by Widener University's Professor Nadine McHenry and Coach Dave of Nature Under Your Nose. Includes lunch.

Enjoy making recipes and other fun activities with Real Kids Real Food (RKRF) on Zoom. Free food provided upon request. Register ages 3-6 at htt, ps://realkidsrealfood.org/register-3-6-club/ and ages 7-12 at https://realkidsrealfood.org/register-7-12-club/

Calendar of Events

special opportunities

View and subscribe to the calendar of Chester City events including festivals and parties

Crozer Library has a great offering of family-friendly events.

Delaware County’s new Health Department offers free immunizations, check-ups and dental screenings.

Scott Arboretum of Swarthmore College is a beautiful nearby destination free and open to the public 365 days a year, dawn to dusk. While there, families can pick up free Plant Hero journals to help educate their children and have extra fun while exploring the gardens.  500 College Ave, Swarthmore, PA 19081

Children aged 2-16 with asthma are eligible for home-based services including free products that help reduce risk. Details at https://www.chop.edu/centers-programs/community-asthma-prevention-program-capp or contact Isabella.andreozzi@pennmedicine.upenn.edu

You may qualify for assistance buying food through SNAP. For a confidential screening, call Marie Pearson at (610) 874-8451.

Click here for free passes to the Brandywine River Museum of Art. (Open Wednesday–Monday, 9:30 a.m.–4:30 p.m. Closed Tuesdays.)

Stargaze using a telescope at Widener University. Details at https://www.widener.edu/profile/widener-observatory

Please see the Chester ExChange Directory for other fun local activities.

Join Swarthmore Recreation Association travel soccer. Scholarships available.

Join the Ridley Soccer Club, on a gender-specific, age-specific team that practices once each week and plays one game each weekend of the season.

Join Real Kids Real Food to get free food and learn how to prepare it in healthy, kid-friendly ways. Free participation prizes for those who attend regularly.

Explore the Milton Hershey School, a cost-free private Pre-K-12 school that provides children with all meals and snacks, clothing, school supplies, computers, medical and dental care, field trips, sports and music equipment and much more. https://www.mhskids.org/athletics

Request info on self defense classes.

More fun:

Read about our recent Soccer Saturdays and Goals in Gardens outings

Revisit and submit Soccer Saturday memories

Host your own Soccer Saturday at home