Zoom Camp Offers Music, Gardening, Storytime and Soccer Fun
Thirty-two children signed up to participate in this week’s Zoom Camp with Chester Upland Youth Soccer.
Each received musical instruments, gardening supplies (generously donated by Swarthmore Hardware,) an indoor ball, a journal, markers and other toys to play along with the camp counselors’ activities. Additionally, Lifewerks provided groceries and snacks for participating families, and the Kara Barnard Youth Literacy Fund provided boxes of books for children to make selections for summer reading. Special thanks also to Chester Community Coalition for donating camp bags.
CUYS Zoom Camp continues Tuesday and Wednesday this week. To learn more about CUYS’ summer programming, please visit https://cuys.org/registration-info
Families interested in participating in future events should complete the Summer Fun survey.
Teresa Quinn of Holcomb Behavioral Health Services led an interactive story session emphasizing summer safety tips and encouraging positive decision-making.
Jonathan Hamm of Greener Partners led a seed planting activity and showed the most interesting flowers and pollinators in his garden.
Coach Amanda taught soccer skills and facilitated active games that really got the kids moving.